The Most Interesting Cat in the World
I Don’t Always Go In Your Drawers #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
But when I do, I inspect every corner.
I Don’t Always Sit In Your Lap #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
But when I do, you’ll probably need to pee.
I Don’t Always Help With The Laundry #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
But when I do, it’s *after* the clothes are clean.
I Don’t Always Lie On Your Bed #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
but I do know the difference between lay and lie.
I Don’t Always Ask You To Open The Door #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
but when I do, it’s because I’m on the wrong side.
I Don’t Always Swat Everyone Who Walks By #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
But when I do, it’s because they deserved it.
Stop, sniff and follow
Put your nose to the ground and follow us on...