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Dog Stories
Lights! Camera! Jasper!
The script called for my daughter’s senior thesis film called for dog that was a “big goofball.” Jasper was perfect for the part.
Snow Kidding
I don’t think anyone really believed it was going to happen. Flurries aren’t unheard of in October, but a full-fledged snow storm? With actual accumulations and snow sticking to the streets? Hardly likely. I don’t think I’m alone this year in my irritation about the Christmas decorations that already started crowding out the Halloween candy […]
Vocabulary Lesson #3: Dogs, N through Z
There’s something about having dogs around the house that encourages one to make up words. Here are just some of ours.
Vocabulary Lesson #2: Dogs, A through M
Admit it, you have many pet names for your pets. We have an entire dictionary.
After Irene
Hurricane Irene rained and raged and stormed and blew. By the next morning, the rain had let up a bit and by early afternoon, all that was left was the wind.
Battening Down the Hatches, Hunkering Down and Dodging Bullets
After living through Hurricane Irene, I swear I will never again use the terms “Batten Down the Hatches,” “Hunker Down” or “Dodging Bullets.”
Mother’s Little (or Not So Little) Helpers
Anyone who shares their lives and homes with dogs or cats can tell you that they all love to Help. And they are Very Helpful Indeed. Animals like to Help with all kinds of tasks and chores, whether it’s sorting laundry or cooking dinner or raking leaves. I think there’s some kind of Universal Furry […]
Lilah Becoming Brave
When Lilah first came to live with us, she was scared of everything from my mom’s purse to an anniversary bouquet. With love and training, she became a confident, sweet and friendly dog.
And Then There Were Three
I knew it was only a matter of time. Jasper and Lilah were growing up; Lilah was becoming quite the young lady, very well mannered, and there were only slight vestiges of her skittishness left, really only apparent to those of us who knew her when she was younger. Jasper, the comfort hound, was also […]
Stop, sniff and follow
Put your nose to the ground and follow us on...