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Stories of Dogs & Cats
Sandy’s Aftermath (Part II)
We make it through the worst of Hurricane Sandy. But the aftermath is a trial, with no electricity, roads blocked, and gas stations closed. We’re lucky to have a generator, and gladly help our neighbors.
Stormy Weather: Sandy Pays an Unwelcome Visit (Part I)
Hurricane Sandy blew through New Jersey and it was a wild ride. Part 1 of 2.
I hadn’t planned on having any more pets. I had told everyone I was full up with a complete set of three dogs and two cats. Then I was smitten…by kittens.
Imagine That: Dogs and Cats Texting
Those of us who share our lives with other species get to know them as individuals. We learn to intuit what they’re thinking. They talk to us with their bodies, their eyes, their movements. And each cat, each dog, each bird or gerbil, has a different personality, a different way of looking at things, a […]
Squirreling it Away
My family room features several large windows that overlook a stone patio and a shade garden. Hanging throughout the garden are a few bird feeders. Well, more than a few. Actually, more than a dozen. I love watching birds at my feeders. It’s mesmerizing and fascinating. In a post a few months ago, I included […]
Behind the Scenes
A behind-the-scenes look at the making of Corinne’s student film, from a dog and cat perspective.
After Irene
Hurricane Irene rained and raged and stormed and blew. By the next morning, the rain had let up a bit and by early afternoon, all that was left was the wind.
Battening Down the Hatches, Hunkering Down and Dodging Bullets
After living through Hurricane Irene, I swear I will never again use the terms “Batten Down the Hatches,” “Hunker Down” or “Dodging Bullets.”
Stop, sniff and follow
Put your nose to the ground and follow us on...