
Haiku By Dog: Bearable

Haiku By Dog: Bearable

unreachable squirrel
frustration made bearable
when shared with a frien

Haiku by Cat: Joke

Haiku by Cat: Joke

..and then Mouse, he says,
“Only at midnight!” Cat joke.
You wouldn’t get it.

Haiku By Dog: Whiffs

Haiku By Dog: Whiffs

fine-tuned nostrils catch
whiffs of a chase not taken
a squirrel was here

Haiku By Cat: Asking

Haiku By Cat: Asking

could you let me know
when dinner is ready
asking for a friend

Haiku By Dog: Chicken

Haiku By Dog: Chicken

I know she is there
right behind me just waiting
to take my chicken

Haiku by Cat: Tongue

Haiku by Cat: Tongue

to keep stripes aligned
whites bright and soft as cotton
apply tongue daily

Haiku by Dog: Team

Haiku by Dog: Team

we may be different
but when it comes to squirrels
we’re on the same tea

Haiku By Cat: Throne

Haiku By Cat: Throne

you may call me queen
ruler, empress, tsarina
I rule from the throne

Haiku By Dog: Lion Share

Haiku By Dog: Lion Share

my new BFF
is quiet and I don’t have
to share with him

Haiku By Dog: Reconsider

Haiku By Dog: Reconsider

you just let me out
but I’ve reconsidered and
want to come back in