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Haiku By Dog
up high you are safe
throwing taunts and curses and nuts
but I own the ground
Am I comfortable?
Thanks for asking. I could use
a softer pillow.
Dead worm? Fantastic!
I say we draw straws to see
who rolls in it first.
Meet the pups and cats behind the words
are we going past
the fire hydrant? I need
to check my pee mail
flying leap, then “thwop”
a ball caught mid-air: the sound
of satisfaction
Sometimes the shortest
distance between two points is
a series of leaps
the benefits of
an excellent stretch cannot
be overrated
freshly fallen snow
fun to run, leap and play in
until it is not
we thought going out
was a good idea at first, but
now we’ve changed our minds
Stop, sniff and follow
Put your nose to the ground and follow us on...