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Haiku By Dog
no squirrel, mouse, or
evil bunny shall pass when
this dog’s on duty
tale of sadness writ
in window noseprints; they left
three seconds ago
throw the stick and I
will bring it back, but first you
have to get it
dog’s morning routine:
stretch, yawn, then ponder whether
it’s worth getting up
to all who pass by
a message: with this mark
call this tree mine
holding court from top
of snow pile, a small dog can
rule until it melts
opposable thumbs
are great , but can your tongue reach
the top of your nose?
cuteness increases
along with the chance of treats
as a dog’s head tilts
intricate snowflakes
gather in frozen clusters make
cold nose colder
Snow-inspired Haiku by Dog
Stop, sniff and follow
Put your nose to the ground and follow us on...