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Haiku By Dog
sleep: a work of art
drawn with paws, tail and belly
on a dog bed canvas
not on the ground or
up in the tree, the squirrel’s gone
but I’ll be waiting
sure, there’s room for you
or you can sleep on the floor
in one of the dog beds
always lick the bowl
in case you’ve overlooked a
molecule of food
fenced in, frustrated
and now I have learned firsthand
that deer can laugh
he may be different
in size, shape, and color, but
he’s got my back
cats are cool once you
get to know them – as long as
they don’t eat your food
after-bath shake off
drenches nearest human in
dog’s fitting payback
thought it ran this way
mouse escapes through leafy maze
missed by a nose
butt up, head downwards
dog’s invitation to play
doesn’t need stamps
Stop, sniff and follow
Put your nose to the ground and follow us on...