Cat Funny

Calvin T. Katz, the Most Interesting Cat in the World, Goes Viral

Calvin T. Katz, the Most Interesting Cat in the World, Goes Viral

Stay comfy, my friends.

Heading for Rio 2016: My Cats and Dogs Train for Competitive Sleeping

Heading for Rio 2016: My Cats and Dogs Train for Competitive Sleeping

Upside Down Quadruple Cute Paw with a Half Twist?

The Beast at the Bottom of the Stairs, or My Cat Waiting for Dinner

The Beast at the Bottom of the Stairs, or My Cat Waiting for Dinner

What terror awaits?

The Force Awakens and it’s Not What You Think: Sci Fi Dogs and Cats

The Force Awakens and it’s Not What You Think: Sci Fi Dogs and Cats

What happens when the Force awakens in my house?

Photo: My Cat Elsa Clair’s New Earstyle

Photo: My Cat Elsa Clair’s New Earstyle

Elsa Clair, trend setter.

Calvin, Cat Office Manager

Calvin, Cat Office Manager

He manages to get in the way

Cat House: Never Trust the Real Estate Listing

Cat House: Never Trust the Real Estate Listing

The perfect cat house…almost

For Cats, Moving Into a New Box Can Be Stressful

For Cats, Moving Into a New Box Can Be Stressful

What happens when I use Elsa Clair’s favorite box to return some items.

Cat gargoyle

Cat gargoyle

Cat as gargoyle. The photo says it all.

Advice to cats: what happens if you bite your nails

Advice to cats: what happens if you bite your nails

What happens to cats if they bite their nails