Susan C. Willett

Author Archive: Susan C. Willett

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Text from Cat: Fashion consultant

Text from Cat: Fashion consultant

Fashion advice from a cat?

Photo: My Cat Elsa Clair’s New Earstyle

Photo: My Cat Elsa Clair’s New Earstyle

Elsa Clair, trend setter.

Haiku by Cat: Dust

Haiku by Cat: Dust

from under the couch
comes proof you have not dusted
cobwebs on whiskers

Calvin, Cat Office Manager

Calvin, Cat Office Manager

He manages to get in the way

Text from Dog: Special grass

Text from Dog: Special grass

The scent of grass…

20 Ways Dogs Celebrate National Dog Day

20 Ways Dogs Celebrate National Dog Day

Celebrate National Dog Day with Lilah, Jasper & Tucker

Haiku by Dog: Summer

Haiku by Dog: Summer

giant water bowl
or pool to splash in — either
works in summer’s heat #dog

Fur Goodness Sake: My dog visits the groomer for the first time

Fur Goodness Sake: My dog visits the groomer for the first time

Lilah takes a trip to the groomer, for the 1st time.

Tabs or Tab-bies: Meow Met app is where cats, art and technology meet

Tabs or Tab-bies: Meow Met app is where cats, art and technology meet

Tabs or Tab-bies: A review of the Meow Met App

Text from Cat: Occupy Dog Bed

Text from Cat: Occupy Dog Bed

How can a small cat keep a dog out of his own bed?