Susan C. Willett

Author Archive: Susan C. Willett

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Branching Out: How my dogs react to a fallen tree limb

Branching Out: How my dogs react to a fallen tree limb

Sticking to personality

Haiku by Cat: Drifting

Haiku by Cat: Drifting

aboard lap, drifting
sleep warmed by sun, purrs engaged
human stays anchored

Pet Technology Review: Help keep pets safe with Leeo Smart Alert

Pet Technology Review: Help keep pets safe with Leeo Smart Alert

Monitor your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors from anywhere.

Text from Dog: Time to visit the neighbors

Text from Dog: Time to visit the neighbors

Smells like a good time…

Photo: The Shadow Knows

Photo: The Shadow Knows

What the shadows reveal…

5 + 5 Reasons to Adopt a Shelter Pet

5 + 5 Reasons to Adopt a Shelter Pet

Why adopt a shelter pet?

Haiku by Dog: Perfect

Haiku by Dog: Perfect

signs of a perfect day
chasing and retrieving balls
long tongue, muddy snout

Cat Art: Portrait of a Cat Called Dawn, by Thomas Clausen

Cat Art: Portrait of a Cat Called Dawn, by Thomas Clausen

Dawn, drawn

Text from Cat: I thought I was purring

Text from Cat: I thought I was purring

My phone was on vibrate.

Wings of Summer: Butterflies and Hummingbirds

Wings of Summer: Butterflies and Hummingbirds

Summer’s really over when the butterflies and hummers leave.