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Animal Art
- September 18, 2015: Exclusive Interview with Zarathustra from Fat Cat Art
- September 14, 2015: Fat Cat Art: All Masterpieces Should Include a Cat, and Now They Do
- August 21, 2015: Tabs or Tab-bies: Meow Met app is where cats, art and technology meet
- November 21, 2014: The Dog Show: Art of our Canine Companions
- August 9, 2014: Cat art: Cheshire Elsa Clair II
- August 2, 2014: Caturday art: Dawn
- July 23, 2014: Photo: Cat imitating art
- July 19, 2014: Cat art: No words needed
- May 26, 2014: Story: Real pets meet flat pets
- May 24, 2014: Cat Art: Calvin by BZTAT
- April 5, 2014: Story: Artify Your Cat
- February 8, 2014: Photo: Cat in the style of Rene Magritte
Animal Art and Artistry
Apps & Extensions
Cat Funny
- August 4, 2024: Of GOATs and CATs: Elsa Clair purr-forms on the uneven bars
- April 15, 2018: A Tax Day Cat Video: Don’t Take My Money
- February 20, 2018: Dog and Cat Winter Games
- December 14, 2017: A Jewish Cat’s Purr-spective on Hanukkah and Christmas
- August 17, 2016: Elsa Clair’s Gold Medal Purr-formance on the Cat Uneven Bars
- August 8, 2016: 17 ways my cats celebrate World Cat Day
- July 18, 2016: 10 Reasons Pokemon are Really Cats in Disguise #PokemonGo
- March 2, 2016: Suessical Names for Cats or Dogs, or How to Seussify Your Pet’s Name
- January 17, 2016: You Just Have to Share Those Irresistible Moments with Your Cats
- December 16, 2015: 18 reasons cats love boxes
- November 20, 2015: Calvin T. Katz, the Most Interesting Cat in the World, Goes Viral
- September 21, 2015: Heading for Rio 2016: My Cats and Dogs Train for Competitive Sleeping
- September 20, 2015: The Beast at the Bottom of the Stairs, or My Cat Waiting for Dinner
- September 4, 2015: The Force Awakens and it’s Not What You Think: Sci Fi Dogs and Cats
- September 2, 2015: Photo: My Cat Elsa Clair’s New Earstyle
- August 31, 2015: Calvin, Cat Office Manager
- April 11, 2015: Cat House: Never Trust the Real Estate Listing
- January 19, 2015: For Cats, Moving Into a New Box Can Be Stressful
- January 18, 2015: Cat gargoyle
- October 29, 2014: Advice to cats: what happens if you bite your nails
- April 13, 2014: Photos: Photobombed by a cat–twice
- March 27, 2014: How to Pack a Cat
- January 25, 2014: Cat Forts
- December 31, 2013: Photos: New Year’s Resolutions
- August 22, 2013: Copy cats
- August 22, 2013: Box set for cat lovers
Cat News
- December 14, 2013: News: Dogs and Cats living together–only bigger
- October 10, 2013: Go Ahead, Pet Your Cat
- August 22, 2013: Cat tunnel sofa, like a habitrail for cats
- August 22, 2013: New font composed entirely of cats
- August 22, 2013: 10 Amazing Cat Structures…from Neatorama
- August 22, 2013: Cross species transfusion saves the life of a cat
- August 22, 2013: Black Cat Appreciation Day
- August 22, 2013: Cats help solve crimes
Cat Photos
- July 20, 2016: Double Trouble: Cat Reflection
- February 28, 2016: Black and White in Black and White in Black and White
- October 29, 2015: My Cats Offer Gift Suggestions for National Cat Day
- July 6, 2015: Calvin, #TeamUSA Women’s World Cup Soccer Fancat
- July 5, 2015: Athena, Light & Dark: a tortie with ‘tude
- May 3, 2015: Cat Sun Bathing
- March 29, 2015: Sun Cat
- March 18, 2015: Caption this Cat in a Box
- March 7, 2015: What’s wrong with this picture?
- March 1, 2015: Visual Purr
- February 21, 2015: Cats and Boxes: It Never Gets Old
- January 25, 2015: Window Watcher: My cat keeps her eyes on me
- January 14, 2015: Photo: Cat Stairing
- January 4, 2015: Meow Parlour: Cat Cafe in the City
- November 19, 2014: Peaceful cats in the sun…until they’re not
- October 26, 2014: Photo: Sun Worship-purr
- October 22, 2014: Caption This: Two cats and a…dog?
- October 8, 2014: Cat Lesson #32 in how to toy with your human: stare intently at nothing
- October 5, 2014: Photo: Cat, entranced
- October 1, 2014: Photo: Cat art: reflections in pink
- September 17, 2014: Photo: In Black and White…and Color
- September 14, 2014: Photo: Calvin, one classy cat
- September 8, 2014: Photo: Disgruntled Dawn
- September 7, 2014: Photo: Liquid Cat
- September 3, 2014: Photo: Because I can’t resist, 2 more photos of adoptable pets
- August 25, 2014: Story: Cats in the Kitchen
- August 17, 2014: Photo: Cat at work
- August 13, 2014: Photo: Zen Cat
- August 10, 2014: Photo: Cat on a windowsill
- July 30, 2014: Photo: We’re in this together
- July 27, 2014: Photo: Watcher in the night
- July 9, 2014: Photo: Life with dogs and cats in one picture
- June 28, 2014: Photo: A cat has a dog bone. Discuss.
- June 25, 2014: Photo: Dinner is late
- June 20, 2014: Photo: Athena and Calvin (caption this)
- June 8, 2014: Photo: Power of Love
- June 1, 2014: Photo: Love will find a way
- May 25, 2014: Photo: Cats as gargoyles
- May 18, 2014: Photo: The cat in the window
- May 7, 2014: Photo: You’re leaving us?
- May 3, 2014: Photo: In or Out
- April 27, 2014: Photo: Cats fit
- April 26, 2014: Photo: Portrait of a Cat: Calvin
- April 12, 2014: Photo: Seat at the table
- April 2, 2014: Photo: Caption This
- March 30, 2014: Photo: Deck Watch
- March 26, 2014: Photo: Bad moon rising
- March 22, 2014: Photo: Portrait of a cat
- March 16, 2014: Photo: Warming relations
- March 9, 2014: Photo: Reflections on being a cat
- March 6, 2014: Photo: 2 cats + 1 bag = ?
- March 1, 2014: Photo: Cat inspiration
- February 23, 2014: Photo: Snow wonder
- February 19, 2014: Photo: And then…
- February 14, 2014: Photo: Happy Valentine’s Day!
- February 9, 2014: Photo: Portrait with paper towels
- February 1, 2014: Photo: What more could a cat want?
- January 29, 2014: Photo: The Help
- January 19, 2014: Photo: Casting Shadows
- January 12, 2014: Photo: Sorting it out
- January 10, 2014: Photo: Cats R Elegant
- January 5, 2014: Photo: Watching snow
- December 15, 2013: Photo: Best way to work
- November 25, 2013: Cat story: Cats love Doctor Who
- September 24, 2013: Photo: The Circle Game
- September 10, 2013: Stares
- September 9, 2013: Requirements for working at home: a place to work, laptop and cats. Definitely cats.
Cat Stories
- February 10, 2025: Cat Video: Calvin is not touching Dawn
- April 29, 2018: Adoption Update: My mom and her cat Penny
- January 29, 2018: Getting My Muse Back
- November 23, 2017: Thankful for my cats
- November 9, 2017: Don’t Play With Your Food: My cat catches a mouse and — gulp— eats it
- October 26, 2017: Almost as Good as a Spa Day: Taking Your Cat to the Vet Doesn’t Have to Be Stressful
- April 28, 2017: Who Wins When a Cat and a Human Debate the Ownership of a Raincoat?
- October 14, 2016: Finding Goodness in a Pool: A Frog (and Cat) Story
- September 21, 2016: #ThatsGold: Elsa Clair Wins Big With Her Purr-formance
- August 15, 2016: Lucky Penny: A #ClearTheShelters Cat Adoption Story (Part 2)
- August 11, 2016: A #ClearTheShelters Cat Adoption Story (Part 1)
- April 18, 2016: My Cat is a Great Coworker, and She Might Even Like Me
- April 8, 2016: Bathus Interruptus
- March 28, 2016: Rearranging My Home for the Heat-seeking Devices Known as Cats
- March 7, 2016: Meditation on a Cat’s Tail
- February 8, 2016: Surprise! A Cat Hides in a Box
- February 1, 2016: Dogs, Cats & Humans Uncover Snow Joys and Challenges After the Blizzard
- January 11, 2016: I Live with Four Cats But You Won’t See Them Because They’re Hiding
- January 4, 2016: My Cat Suddenly Started Drooling, So I Took Her to the Emergency Vet
- December 28, 2015: A Cat Tree Conundrum: Where To Plant It
- November 16, 2015: The Most Interesting Cat in the World Sleeps in a Dog Bed
- September 30, 2015: Tunnel of Fun: A favorite cat (and dog) toy
- August 7, 2015: Cat Video: Grab, Bunch & Kick
- May 18, 2015: I Thought My Cats Would Have a Ball
- April 20, 2015: Cats and Boxes: A (Not-So-Scientific) Study
- April 13, 2015: Cat Video: Elsa Clair’s Mission Impossible
- March 23, 2015: Crate Expectations: Why a Crate is Essential for Your Pet #CrateHappyPets
- March 21, 2015: First Day of Spring, 2015
- March 20, 2015: Cats are Not Allowed on the Dining Room Table
- February 2, 2015: Cat Video: Calvin Plays Catch that Dog
- January 28, 2015: BlogPaws Nose-to-Nose Award Nominations Are Open ‘Til January 31
- January 5, 2015: A visit to Meow Parlour, New York City’s first cat cafe
- December 29, 2014: Every Day is Boxing Day When You’re a Cat
- December 24, 2014: Gassy dogs and barfing cats: how to reduce your pets’ stress during the holidays
- December 22, 2014: Tales and tails on Hanukkah
- December 15, 2014: Pussycat pussycat, where have you been?
- December 8, 2014: Calvin discovers the music of Carole King
- November 3, 2014: In the presence of cat celebrity
- September 29, 2014: Eulogy for my father, Dr. Norman P. Willett
- September 28, 2014: A Touching Moment
- July 7, 2014: Story: Hide and seek cat
- June 18, 2014: Story: Dogs that won’t pass cats, mostly
- June 10, 2014: Story: Tick, tick, tick… Lyme Disease, part II (The Homecoming)
- May 5, 2014: Story: BlogPaws here I come
- April 30, 2014: Story: National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day
- April 28, 2014: Story: Of cats, boxes and bookcases
- April 14, 2014: Story: Paws button
- March 24, 2014: Story: The paper chase
- March 12, 2014: Photo: Creative hangouts of dogs and cats
- March 10, 2014: Story: I get by with a little help from my friends
- February 21, 2014: Story: I wear my heart on my sleeve and my cat on my shoulders
- February 17, 2014: Story: My cats love the Olympics
- February 10, 2014: Story: Cat climbs stairs
- January 27, 2014: Story: Fit to Print: cats love printers
- January 23, 2014: Story: Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day
- January 21, 2014: A different persepective: Interview with the cats
- January 13, 2014: Story: Oh, Brother!
- December 23, 2013: Story: Why do my cats love stink bugs?
- December 6, 2013: Story: Kitty’s coming home for Thanksgiving (Part 2 of 2)
- December 5, 2013: Story: Kitty’s coming home for Thanksgiving (Part 1 of 2)
- December 3, 2013: Story: Thanksgiving 2013 with 3 dogs, 5 cats and 15 humans
- November 27, 2013: Thankful for Cats
- November 26, 2013: Life with dogs and cats: from calm to chaos in .3 seconds
- November 22, 2013: Dog & Cat Story: The magic of snow
- November 20, 2013: Does this mean I’m a crazy cat lady?
- August 23, 2013: High and Mighty
- August 21, 2013: The Good, the Bad and the Snuggly
- May 6, 2013: Elsa Clair, the Great Black-and-White Hunter
- March 12, 2013: CSI: My Kitchen, Part II (a cat mystery)
- March 5, 2013: CSI: My Kitchen, Part I (a cat mystery)
- January 22, 2013: Story: Cache & Carry
- December 18, 2012: Living Together
- December 11, 2012: Life in the Pen
- December 4, 2012: Dogs + Cats + Kittens = ?
- November 27, 2012: The Continuing Story: Elsa Clair and Calvin Come to Live with Us
- October 16, 2012: Smitten
- July 24, 2012: Cover Up
- May 17, 2012: Her Highness, Dawn the Cat
- April 11, 2012: Squirreling it Away
- January 6, 2012: Behind the Scenes
- September 13, 2011: After Irene
- September 2, 2011: Battening Down the Hatches, Hunkering Down and Dodging Bullets
- April 21, 2011: Vocabulary Lesson #1: Cats
Dog and Cat News
- April 20, 2017: BlogPaws and Cat Writers’ Association Honors Leaves Me Speechless (almost)
- September 22, 2016: 25 Ways My Dogs Celebrate National Dog Week
- November 14, 2015: Some pet videos just aren’t funny
- November 11, 2015: Highlights from BarkWorld: Tuna, Sophia, Gus, Shorty and more
- November 9, 2015: 10 Things I Learned at the Purina Better with Pets Summit
- September 2, 2014: Story: A visit to the Somerset Regional Animal Shelter
- May 21, 2014: Story: Cover Dogs
- May 15, 2014: BlogPaws 2014 Nose to Nose Winners
- January 5, 2014: News: Why Dogs Do Doo Doo the Way they Do
- December 19, 2013: News: Dogs recognize human faces in photos
- December 17, 2013: News: Dogs and dust bunnies are good for kids
- November 1, 2013: Wag to the left, wag to the right
- October 7, 2013: Dogs are People, Too…and Now There’s Science to Prove It
- September 25, 2013: Book: Meet Flo & Wendell in William Wegman’s new children’s book
- August 22, 2013: Obama White House takes a stand against canine prejudice
- August 13, 2013: Dog-friendly Subaru funds research to keep your dog safe
- August 12, 2013: Dogs are good for your heart, but we knew that
Dog Funny
- October 20, 2017: Of Pitches, Dogs, and Beard Competitions
- May 3, 2017: May the 4th Be With You: A look back at the creation of The Dogs of Star Wars
- December 11, 2015: A Peek Behind the Scenes of The Dogs of Star Wars
- June 8, 2015: Pet Photography Humor: All I Wanted Was a Cute Picture of My Dogs
- March 11, 2015: That Cat’s Cool! Introducing Snow Cat
- March 8, 2015: Sir Tucker Terrier Reaches the Summit of Mount Neverest
- January 26, 2015: Ball is Lost: Tucker the Dog Faces His Worst Nightmare
- January 12, 2015: The Ball Stays Outside
- December 25, 2014: Happy Dog Moose
- November 12, 2014: Step-by-step instructions for dogs: how to roll in something stinky
- November 10, 2014: Rollin’ in it: dog perfume
- August 26, 2014: 14 ways dogs celebrate National Dog Day
- August 22, 2014: If a dog could sing: Throw it Again (Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall)
- July 26, 2014: Story: A new dog band: Sticks & Noses
- April 23, 2014: Funny: Three seasons of dog
- April 6, 2014: Photos: Dogs in the wind
- March 3, 2014: Turn off the winter
- November 13, 2013: What does the fox say?
- August 22, 2013: Hiding from Monday
Dog Photos
- January 10, 2016: Photo: Shadows of love
- October 14, 2015: Photo: The Shadow Knows
- September 27, 2015: Photo: Sad Dogs; Grandma is Leaving
- September 9, 2015: A Shady Dog, Or Finding Re-leaf From the Heat
- August 19, 2015: Misty Morning Dog
- May 27, 2015: Waiting at the Window: My dogs send me on a guilt trip.
- May 20, 2015: Pet Photography: Tips for Taking an Informal Pet Portrait
- April 12, 2015: Portrait of 3 Dogs
- April 1, 2015: Once More, With Feeling: Snow Again
- March 4, 2015: On Top of Everything…
- February 25, 2015: That Snow Dog!
- February 22, 2015: Dog with Stick: Sitting Just Quietly Under the Trees
- February 18, 2015: A Dog’s Joy: Snow, a Stick, and Room to Run
- February 15, 2015: How My Dog Lilah Shows Her Love
- February 11, 2015: Winter’s Gift of Shadows
- February 4, 2015: Photo: Dogs Play in Snow
- January 21, 2015: Running with the Shadows
- January 11, 2015: Sharing Sniffs with Friends
- December 31, 2014: Request from Dogs: Please, Mom, can we play some more?
- December 10, 2014: Photo: Three dogs running through fall leaves
- October 30, 2014: Photo: 3 dogs smile for the camera
- September 10, 2014: Photo: Back-to-school dog math problem
- August 31, 2014: Photo: Baby Girl, one of the adoptable dogs at the Somerset Regional Animal Shelter
- August 27, 2014: Photo: What I see in a dog’s eyes
- August 24, 2014: Photo: Friendship
- August 20, 2014: Photo: The scent of frustration
- August 6, 2014: Photo: The Wishing Dog
- August 3, 2014: Photo: The welcoming committee
- July 16, 2014: Photo: Floating on air; a dog and his ball
- July 2, 2014: Photo: Chillin’ in the pool
- June 22, 2014: Photo: Jasper is a soulful dog
- May 30, 2014: Photo: Why it’s hard to leave
- May 11, 2014: Photo: Dog noses times three
- May 4, 2014: Photo: Doggin’ the shadows
- April 20, 2014: Photo: Looking up
- March 23, 2014: Photo: Smells like spring
- March 20, 2014: Photo: SPRING!
- March 15, 2014: Photo: Two boys and a dog
- March 5, 2014: Photo: Hindsight
- March 2, 2014: Photo: Go with the snow
- February 16, 2014: Photo: Standing tall on the snow
- January 15, 2014: Photo: Spin cycle
- December 29, 2013: Photo: Gomez and Morticia?
- December 25, 2013: Photo: The joy of the chase!
- December 11, 2013: Photo: Jasper doesn’t like being wet
- December 8, 2013: Photo: Tucker likes a good story he can chew on…
- November 16, 2013: Photo: Jasper, Lilah and Tucker playing in a leaf pile
- November 6, 2013: Dogs and leaves: a fall portrait
- August 22, 2013: The boys have to be bribed to get into the pool
- August 22, 2013: Dr. Lilah likes to makes sure Jasper’s ears are clean.
- August 22, 2013: Jasper likes a comfy bed
Dog Stories
- February 14, 2025: Dog video: Halley speaks; there was a squirrel!
- January 26, 2025: When a terrier can’t be a terrier; keeping my dog entertained while on restricted activity
- November 11, 2023: A tribute to Lilah 2009 – 2023
- July 2, 2023: A tribute to Jasper 2009 – 2022
- August 20, 2020: Halley and the cats: A successful adoption made possible through training, positive reinforcement, and patience
- October 21, 2019: I Didn’t Expect Baby Nazgûl: Our first month with a new puppy
- September 26, 2019: Three, Again
- September 2, 2019: Remembering Tucker
- August 3, 2019: Tucker is Gone
- May 19, 2019: Day by Day
- April 1, 2019: My Dog Wasn’t Eating: How a team effort saved his life
- September 26, 2018: Why We Love Dogs: Celebrating Dogs for National Dog Week
- September 12, 2018: This Time the Groundhog Fought Back
- June 14, 2018: On Leaving: Making goodbye into a treat for my dogs
- May 31, 2018: Robin Rescue: A tale of dogs and baby birds
- May 24, 2018: When Fur Flies: What it’s like when my dogs have their spring blow out
- January 21, 2018: My Dogs Have the Cleanest Ears, Thanks to Lilah
- December 21, 2017: My Dog Lies In a Bed of Leaves — and Loves It
- November 27, 2017: Good, Bedder, Best: My Dogs Test Out a Brentwood Home Pet Bed (and you can enter to win one)
- November 23, 2017: Thankful for My Dogs
- November 16, 2017: Strange But True: My Dog Casts Shadows of Other Animals
- November 3, 2017: Can’t Stop the Rain (#Video): My dog doesn’t like to get wet
- October 12, 2017: What My Dogs Would Do If Our Home Was Invaded By Robots
- September 27, 2017: Every Week is National Dog Week, But This Week It’s Official
- November 30, 2016: Lilah Sings The Song of Her People
- October 20, 2016: Dogs Behind Bars
- October 6, 2016: Tucker and the Cone: The worst times can bring out the best in dogs and cats
- September 15, 2016: Breaking Hand: Who would have thought walking dogs is dangerous?
- August 1, 2016: Tucker, his kidneys and me: the continuing story
- July 25, 2016: My dog may have a kidney problem, and I have to come to terms with it
- July 4, 2016: My Dog Lilah Nose What To Do on a Hot July 4th
- May 16, 2016: My Dog Doesn’t Like Getting His Feet Wet
- March 22, 2016: Boy and dog: a story of empathy
- March 14, 2016: Want to Save Your Dog’s Life? Train Him or Her to Come When Called
- February 29, 2016: What My Dogs Do When I’m Down
- February 22, 2016: A Black Dog’s Lament: Where’s My Snow?
- February 3, 2016: Bedecked in Snow: My Dogs Pose Before and After the Blizzard
- January 18, 2016: My Dogs Are Not Impressed By Winter’s First Snow
- December 4, 2015: Dogs in the Fall Leaves
- December 1, 2015: A Fall Challenge: Finding Dog Poop Among the Leaves
- November 20, 2015: In Which I Meet Gus Kenworthy at BarkWorld
- October 26, 2015: 10 Things That Make Black Dogs Special
- October 21, 2015: Branching Out: How my dogs react to a fallen tree limb
- September 28, 2015: Dogs Playing Pool
- August 26, 2015: 20 Ways Dogs Celebrate National Dog Day
- August 24, 2015: Fur Goodness Sake: My dog visits the groomer for the first time
- July 20, 2015: It’s a Very Sad Tale When A Dog Hurts His Tail
- May 5, 2015: Abe & Fido: The Story of the Original Fido
- April 15, 2015: Spring is Here!
- April 6, 2015: How Do I Love Thee, Ball? A Dog Sonnet for #NationalPoetryMonth
- March 2, 2015: Snow Dog Lives
- February 23, 2015: Rules of Dog: The Other Dog Always Has the Best Stick
- November 24, 2014: My helpful dogs make fall leaf clean-up so much easier
- November 17, 2014: Fall snow / snowfall
- October 6, 2014: Story (and video): A Dog and His Ball: a cautionary “tail”
- September 15, 2014: Playin’ Pool: dogs cooling off
- September 1, 2014: Story: A sticky situation; Tucker encounters burrs
- August 18, 2014: Story: In which mischief almost happened, but didn’t
- August 16, 2014: Story: With 25-foot tall hydrant sculpture, Wildwood NJ beach has truly gone to the dogs
- August 8, 2014: Story: Fun at the 4H Fair
- July 22, 2014: Story: What’s wrong with your dog?
- July 21, 2014: Story: My dogs have a drinking problem
- July 14, 2014: Story: Dogs vs. Groundhog
- June 16, 2014: Story: Father’s Day with dogs and cats
- April 21, 2014: Story: The litter box does not contain treats!
- April 19, 2014: Story: The Ghost in the Garden
- April 7, 2014: Story: The fox and the hounds
- March 31, 2014: Story: Braving the weather–or at least the umbrella
- March 17, 2014: Story: Play Ball!
- March 3, 2014: Story: Dogs + Snow = Fun. Repeat.
- February 24, 2014: Story: Walking on Ice
- February 6, 2014: Story: Snow Strategy
- February 3, 2014: Story: Makes Scents to Me
- January 20, 2014: Story: Foggy Doggies
- January 3, 2014: Story: Paw it forward
- November 27, 2013: Thankful for Dogs
- October 28, 2013: Foiled by tick trefoil
- August 11, 2013: Everybody into the Pool!
- June 18, 2013: Dog story: Lion Around
- May 23, 2013: The Grass is Always Greener
- April 30, 2013: Let Sleeping Dogs Lie…Somewhere Else
- April 17, 2013: Bowled Over
- February 13, 2013: Tucker, Certified
- December 31, 2012: It’s Snow Time!
- August 16, 2012: Picture Perfect, Part II
- August 8, 2012: Picture Perfect, Part I
- July 10, 2012: Keepin’ Cool
- June 7, 2012: Story: Swimming in it
- March 19, 2012: Patient Jasper
- March 12, 2012: Spoiler Alert: Jasper is Okay
- December 27, 2011: Scene 2, Take 1: Jasper’s next scene
- December 19, 2011: Lights! Camera! Jasper!
- November 3, 2011: Snow Kidding
- October 13, 2011: Vocabulary Lesson #3: Dogs, N through Z
- October 4, 2011: Vocabulary Lesson #2: Dogs, A through M
- April 28, 2011: Mother’s Little (or Not So Little) Helpers
- April 5, 2011: Lilah Becoming Brave
- March 9, 2011: And Then There Were Three
Dogs and Cats Texting
- February 10, 2021: Text from Dog: Snow kidding
- January 22, 2021: Text from Cat: The new box
- December 28, 2020: Text from Dog: If I fits…
- November 9, 2020: Text from Dog: Funny looking
- November 2, 2020: Text from Cat: Who rules?
- July 8, 2019: Text from Dog: He ain’t heavy. He’s my brother
- June 24, 2019: Text from Cat: Foiled again
- June 17, 2019: Text from Dog: Old dog, new tricks
- June 10, 2019: Text from Cat: The mighty hunter
- June 4, 2019: Text from Dog: To bark or not to bark
- May 21, 2019: Text from Cat: Humans are weird
- May 14, 2019: Text from Dog: Blowing in the wind
- May 6, 2019: Text from Cat: Paperwork
- April 30, 2019: Text From Dog: Super Dog
- April 22, 2019: Text from Cat: The Horror
- April 15, 2019: Text From Dog: Pillow Talk
- April 9, 2019: Text From Cat: Again
- March 18, 2019: Text From Dog: You Forgot Something
- March 11, 2019: Text From Cat: A little too much
- March 4, 2019: Text From Dog: Join the Club
- February 25, 2019: Text From Cat: Look Into My Eyes
- February 18, 2019: Text From Dog: Love / Hate Relationship
- February 11, 2019: Text from Cat: So Hungry I Could Eat a….
- February 4, 2019: Text from Dog: Play by Play
- January 28, 2019: Text From Dog: Hiding From Monday
- January 21, 2019: Text from Cat: Puss ‘N’ Shoes
- January 14, 2019: Text from Dog: Shared Interests
- January 7, 2019: Text from Cat: Forbidden Love
- December 31, 2018: Text from Dog: Living Dangerously
- December 17, 2018: Text from Cat: Rub my belly
- November 27, 2018: Text from Dog: My Treat
- November 19, 2018: Text from Cat: Taking Leave
- November 12, 2018: Text from Dog: Stick to it
- November 5, 2018: Text from Cat: Cat Time
- October 29, 2018: Text from Dog: Nope
- October 22, 2018: Text From Cat: She’s right behind me
- October 16, 2018: Text from Dog: Saw Your Suitcase
- October 8, 2018: Text from Cat: The Help
- October 4, 2018: Text From Dog: Terriers
- September 25, 2018: Text from Cat: A Work of Art
- September 9, 2018: Text From Dog: A Dog’s Life
- September 3, 2018: Text From Cat: You Have the Chair
- August 27, 2018: Text from Dog: Guilty Party
- August 20, 2018: Text From Cat: I Hear You
- August 13, 2018: Text from Dog: Shadow of himself
- August 6, 2018: Text from Cat: Private Cat
- July 31, 2018: Text from Dog: Bear With Me
- July 23, 2018: Text From Cat: Just the right spots
- July 16, 2018: Text from Dog: The Plot
- July 9, 2018: Text from Cat: Hissed Off
- July 2, 2018: Text From Dog: In The Air
- June 25, 2018: Text From Cat: How rude!
- June 18, 2018: Text From Dog: One Step Ahead
- June 4, 2018: Text From Cat: It’s Her Hangup
- May 28, 2018: Text From Dog: Toy With Me
- May 21, 2018: Text From Cat: Neighborhood Watch
- May 13, 2018: Text From Dog: Instant Message
- May 7, 2018: Text From Cat: Big Bug Hunter
- May 2, 2018: Text From Dog: Good Dogs
- April 23, 2018: Text From Cat: Perimeter Breached!
- April 16, 2018: Text From Dog: Cat-Astrophe
- April 9, 2018: Text From Dog: Scent of Adventure
- April 2, 2018: Text From Dog: Snow Bunnies
- March 13, 2018: Text from Dog: He nose!
- February 12, 2018: Text from Cat: String Theory
- January 11, 2018: Text from Dog: Guilt trip
- December 4, 2017: Text from Cat: Cat bed evolution
- November 28, 2017: Text from Dog: He can’t bear the thought
- November 20, 2017: Text from Cat: Read my whiskers
- November 13, 2017: Text from Dog: OMG! Deer!
- November 5, 2017: Text from Cat: Cat Standard Time
- October 30, 2017: Text from Dog: Stop and smell the daisies
- October 23, 2017: Text from Cat: Hairy situation
- October 16, 2017: Text from Dog: A mixture of art and science
- October 9, 2017: Text from Cat: There is no cat
- October 5, 2017: Text from Cat: Cancelled
- September 25, 2017: Text from Dog: That really bugs me
- July 17, 2017: Text from Cat: OK UK
- July 3, 2017: Text from Cat: Sharing is Caring
- June 26, 2017: Text from Dog: Mother’s little helper
- June 6, 2017: Text from Cat: The memo
- May 30, 2017: Text from Dog: Getting fit
- May 1, 2017: Text from Cat: I love you
- April 27, 2017: Text from Dog: I. Can’t. Even.
- April 17, 2017: Text from Cat: I could make it there
- April 3, 2017: Text from Dog: Play ball!
- March 13, 2017: Text from Dog: Snow!
- March 6, 2017: Text from Cat: Snow kidding
- February 27, 2017: Text from Dog: Is there a dog on it?
- February 20, 2017: Text from Cat: All of the above
- February 13, 2017: Text from Dog: Can I help?
- February 6, 2017: Text from Cat: Relaxing after a trip
- January 30, 2017: Text from Dog: The mailman’s here!
- January 23, 2017: Text from Cat: Dinner!
- January 17, 2017: Text from Dog: Jailhouse bark
- January 3, 2017: Text from Cat: Playing Games
- December 29, 2016: Text from Dog: I could have caught him
- December 19, 2016: Text from Cat: Home for dinner
- December 12, 2016: Text from Dog: Found a good one
- December 5, 2016: Text from Cat: You will feed the cat
- December 1, 2016: Text from Dog: Taking a licking
- November 21, 2016: Text from Cat: Bed head
- November 14, 2016: Text from Dog: You can’t be too careful
- November 7, 2016: Text from Cat: Hidden agenda
- October 31, 2016: Text from Dog: The Great Pumpkin
- October 24, 2016: Text from Cat: Do not mock the panther
- October 19, 2016: Text from Dog: Stop and smell the flowers
- October 5, 2016: Text from Cat: An affront
- October 2, 2016: Text from Dog: Judge not
- September 19, 2016: Text from Dog: Watered down
- August 22, 2016: Text from Cat: You can thank me later
- August 8, 2016: Text from Dog: Sleeping In
- July 29, 2016: Text from Cat: Worship
- July 21, 2016: Text from Dog: Minding her business
- July 7, 2016: Text from Cat: A shadow of herself
- June 17, 2016: Text from Cat: Facing it
- June 10, 2016: Text from Dog: I can’t even
- June 3, 2016: Text from Cat: Cat vs. laptop
- May 26, 2016: Text from Dog: I brought you something
- May 19, 2016: Text from Cat: There’s fur in my bed
- May 5, 2016: Text from Cat: Do not mock me
- April 15, 2016: Text from Dog: It’s time to play ball!
- March 31, 2016: Text from Cat: Darkness approaches
- March 24, 2016: Text from Dog: Visualizing the goal
- March 17, 2016: Text from Cat: Mirror, mirror
- March 3, 2016: Text from Dog: Something’s Up
- February 28, 2016: Text from Cat: Members of the Acatemy
- February 25, 2016: Text from Cat: Dinner plans
- February 12, 2016: Text from Dog: Hydrangeas are evil
- February 4, 2016: Text from Cat: A heated discussion about a cat bed
- January 28, 2016: Text from Dog: Technique is important
- January 21, 2016: Text from Cat: All shall bow before my throne
- January 8, 2016: Text from Dog: We thought you weren’t coming back
- December 31, 2015: Text from Cat: Cute always wins
- November 12, 2015: Text from Dog: We’re doing yoga
- October 22, 2015: Text from Cat: No thumbs
- October 15, 2015: Text from Dog: Time to visit the neighbors
- October 8, 2015: Text from Cat: I thought I was purring
- October 1, 2015: Text from Dog: Deer, deer, deer
- September 25, 2015: Text from Cat: The Best Window
- September 17, 2015: Text from Dog: There was a squirrel
- September 10, 2015: Text from Cat: I want the new iPhone
- September 3, 2015: Text from Cat: Fashion consultant
- August 27, 2015: Text from Dog: Special grass
- August 20, 2015: Text from Cat: Occupy Dog Bed
- June 25, 2015: Text from Cat: Complaint
- May 21, 2015: Text from Dog: Guess what I found?
- May 15, 2015: Text from Cat: What is this word?
- April 16, 2015: Text from Dog: Maintaining dignity
- April 10, 2015: Text from Cat: Dinner is late
- April 2, 2015: Text from Dog: Mud. Bath.
- March 26, 2015: Text from Dog: Full report
- March 12, 2015: Text from Cat: Closet panther
- March 5, 2015: Text from Dog: They’re out there!
- February 26, 2015: Text from Cat: You took your lap
- February 19, 2015: Text from Dog: How embarrassing!
- February 12, 2015: Text from Cat: Helping with the paperwork
- January 15, 2015: Text from Dog: Makes Scents, Sort Of
- January 2, 2015: Text from Cat: Everything is a cat bed
- December 5, 2014: Text from Dog: Can I come?
- October 17, 2014: Text from Dog: The power of the nose
- October 3, 2014: Text from Cat: Touching
- September 12, 2014: Text from Dog: It’s good to be a dog
- September 5, 2014: Text from Cat: Athena, Interior Designer
- August 29, 2014: Text from Dog: The UPS guy
- August 23, 2014: Text from Cat: Say cheese!
- August 15, 2014: Text from Dog: Bark!
- August 8, 2014: Text from Dog: Wrong way!
- August 1, 2014: Text from Cat: Disgruntled customer
- July 25, 2014: Text from Cat: Crying Over Spilled Milk
- July 18, 2014: Text from dog: Pool safety is important
- July 11, 2014: Text from Dog: The meeting
- June 19, 2014: Text from Cat: Where’s the mouse?
- June 12, 2014: Text from Dog: OMG! You’re home!
- May 29, 2014: Text from Cat: Your bed is infested
- May 22, 2014: Text from Dog: Photo Shoot
- May 17, 2014: Text from Dog: She wants it
- May 9, 2014: Text from Dog: They’re gone
- May 1, 2014: Text from Dog: Playing games
- April 25, 2014: Text from Cat: You’ll never understand
- April 17, 2014: Text from Dog: Only the finest
- April 10, 2014: Text from Dog: Sad, Sad Tucker
- April 4, 2014: Text from Cat: It’s purring
- March 29, 2014: Text from Dog: Everybody nose
- March 21, 2014: Text from Cat: Not in my bed!
- March 14, 2014: Text from Dog: Just checking
- March 8, 2014: Text from Dog: Dust kittens?
- February 28, 2014: Text from Cat: Intruder Alert
- February 22, 2014: Text from Dog: Beardcicles
- February 13, 2014: Text from Dog: Too many
- February 7, 2014: Text from Cat: Having a ball
- January 30, 2014: Text from Cat: Meet…Loaf
- January 23, 2014: Text from Dog: Dig it!
- January 16, 2014: Text from Cat: Why are you leaving?
- January 9, 2014: Text from Cat: A request
- January 2, 2014: Text from Dog: Sneaking Around
- December 23, 2013: Text from cat: Book review
- December 19, 2013: Text from Dog: Keeping an eye on things
- December 17, 2013: Text from Cat: Where are the cat pictures?
- December 13, 2013: Text from Dog: Darn autocorrect!
- December 9, 2013: Text from Cat: You shall not pass!
- December 2, 2013: Text from dog: New water bowl
- November 23, 2013: Text from Cat: Everybody loves Doctor Who
- November 23, 2013: Text from Dog: Like Katniss
- November 21, 2013: Text from Dog: Blame it on the cow
- November 19, 2013: Text from Cat: Waiting for dinner
- November 15, 2013: Text from Dog: Just tasting
- November 8, 2013: Text from Cat: There is nothing inside the box
- November 5, 2013: Text from Dog: Oh deer
- November 1, 2013: Text from Dog: Puppy pillow
- October 30, 2013: Text from Cat: Jungle Cat
- October 25, 2013: Text from Dog: Takeout
- October 23, 2013: Text from Cat: Sock it to me
- October 21, 2013: Text from Dog: Tuckered Out
- October 15, 2013: Text from Cat: Better Nature
- October 11, 2013: Text from Dog: You’re Home!
- October 8, 2013: Text from Cat: The Light of Dawn
- October 4, 2013: Text from Dog: When dogs and cats “box”
- October 1, 2013: Text from Cat: Darkness all around
- September 26, 2013: Text from Cat: Is there a cat on it?
- September 17, 2013: Text from Cat: Dust up
- September 2, 2013: Text from Dog: Things That Go Bump in the Day
- August 30, 2013: Text from Cat: Tell me honestly
- August 23, 2013: Text from cat: Superhero cat
- August 7, 2013: Text from cat: Me, Too
- August 5, 2013: Dog got your tongue?
- August 2, 2013: Text from Cat: Athena’s Present
- July 31, 2013: Text from cat: Benched
- July 26, 2013: Text from cat: Clothes Call
- July 24, 2013: Text from Cat: Sneaker
- July 22, 2013: Text from Dog: One too many doggy treats
- July 22, 2013: Does this cat bed make me look fat?
- July 19, 2013: Text from cat: What’s flat and orange and lives in a drawer?
- July 17, 2013: The Comfy Chair
- July 15, 2013: Text from cat: Cat-alog of Puns
- July 12, 2013: Text from cat: Reaching
- July 10, 2013: 1 out of 3
- June 28, 2013: Hiding in Plain Sight
- June 26, 2013: Text from cat: The Chase
- June 24, 2013: Text from cat: Stair Down
- June 21, 2013: Text from Dog: Window seat
- June 17, 2013: Lean on Me
- June 14, 2013: Text from cat: Hangin’ out
- June 12, 2013: Text from cat: Puss ‘n’ Boots
- June 10, 2013: Nature abhors a vacuum
- June 7, 2013: Text from Dog: Just. Too. Many.
- June 5, 2013: Text from cat: Looking down
- June 3, 2013: Text from Dog: Time to Get Up
- May 29, 2013: Text from cat: Inside, outside
- May 24, 2013: Text from Dog: Getting comfortable
- May 22, 2013: Text from cat: Surrounded
- May 20, 2013: Text from cat: He ain’t heavy; he’s my brother…but he’s squishing me
- May 17, 2013: Text from Dog: Fashion statement
- May 15, 2013: Text from cat: Still friends
- May 13, 2013: Text from Dog: Squirrel Duty
- May 8, 2013: Mine
- May 6, 2013: Text from cat: Where’s the cream?
- May 4, 2013: Text from cat: It’s a trap!
- May 3, 2013: Text from cat: Space Invader
- April 29, 2013: Hidden Kitten
- April 26, 2013: Text from cat: Someone wants to know
- April 24, 2013: He had it first
- April 22, 2013: Text from Dog: Next time, don’t forget
- April 19, 2013: Text from cat: Perspective
- April 15, 2013: Text from Dog: It Wasn’t Me
- July 23, 2012: Text from Dog: Jasper’s philosophy
- April 23, 2012: Text from dog: Tucker hears a noise
From the Human: Susan C. Willett
- January 28, 2025: Something About Mary
- July 22, 2024: Harriet Hurry-Up and the Oh-So-Slow Day by Allia Zobel Nolan
- May 6, 2024: Dear Erma Bombeck: A thank you note after the Writers’ Workshop
- April 26, 2024: My Snow White Moment
- August 1, 2023: Lonnie Hull DuPont: May her memory be for a blessing
- August 11, 2020: Winning Awards. Getting Published. And yet…
- February 28, 2019: How I Got My Literary Agent
- December 5, 2018: When Popular Media Use Sensationalist Headlines to Report on Scientific Studies
- September 13, 2018: I’m Published In a New Book: Second-Chance Dogs
- September 6, 2018: Every Night My Cat Leaves Me Gifts And It’s the Most Adorable Thing Ever
- August 30, 2018: Cloud-based Hope
- August 21, 2018: New Book: Writers and their Cats
- June 28, 2018: Love is Love is Love: A dog, a cat, and a moment
- May 10, 2018: The Book of Band, a High School Reunion, and the Power of Funny
- May 3, 2018: Meet Agnes
- April 12, 2018: Erma Bombeck Writers’ Workshop: What I Took Away and What I Left Behind
- December 14, 2017: The Bird in the Box in the Basement: How I rescued an injured bird
- June 29, 2017: Garden Surprise: A Case of Miss-Snaken Identity
- June 5, 2017: So I Went to BlogPaws and the Cat Writers’ Association Conference and I…
- May 8, 2016: Ketsishe Rose: My grandmother, the original cat lady
- May 2, 2016: Kind-hearted Women
- February 15, 2016: Speechless in New Jersey: What laryngitis taught me about my relationship with my dogs and cats
- September 19, 2015: Ghosts in the Machine
- June 9, 2015: This is How My Daughter and Her Fiancé Announced Their Engagement
- March 19, 2015: Pitch Perfect: Getting a blogger’s attention
- March 16, 2015: Spring, You’re Late!
- December 4, 2014: Meeting my 7-year-old niece for the first time
- November 26, 2014: Thanksgiving and memories
- September 19, 2014: Ruby’s waiting
- August 11, 2014: Story: Why, Wyoming?
- August 5, 2014: Story: Life with Dogs and Cats Writing Process
- June 9, 2014: Story: Tick, tick, tick…Lyme Disease
- May 14, 2014: Story: What happened in Vegas did NOT stay in Vegas
- May 12, 2014: Story: After BlogPaws, a Guilt Trip
- May 10, 2014: Story: How I met a capybara
Giveaways, Contests & Raffles
Good Business
Good to Know
- November 6, 2017: Look Mom! I’m gonna be in a book, or at least my dog stories will be!
- October 29, 2017: What Happens to the Cat on Stranger Things? A spoiler for animal lovers
- December 8, 2016: In My World, World’s Best Cat Litter Lives Up To Its Name #WasteLessLitter
- June 1, 2015: What I Did at BlogPaws
- April 30, 2015: Getting Down and Dirty: Pet Photography Tips
- March 30, 2015: Technology and Pets: Your Chance to Win a FroliCat BOLT
- February 16, 2015: Technology & Pets: Your chance to win a FroliCat FLIK
- July 29, 2014: Story: Sophie, the cat that could
- July 29, 2014: Interview with Emily Hall about her CH cat Sophie
- June 23, 2014: Story: Keeping wildlife safe from your dogs
- June 21, 2014: Story: Annual pet checkups are as essential as food and love
- March 15, 2014: Story: Field of Flowers Award
- February 5, 2025: Haiku by Cat: Centered
- January 7, 2025: Haiku by Cat: Enough
- December 3, 2024: Haiku by Dog: Moosey
- November 26, 2024: Haiku by Cat: Duty
- November 14, 2024: Haiku by Cat: Corner
- February 23, 2021: Haiku by Cat: Hope
- January 26, 2021: Haiku by Dog: Couch
- November 10, 2020: Haiku by Dog: Leaf
- November 3, 2020: Haiku by Cat: Middle
- August 31, 2020: Haiku by Dog: Hole
- June 25, 2019: Haiku by Dog: Finished
- June 18, 2019: Haiku by Cat: Risk
- June 11, 2019: Haiku by Dog: Doga
- June 5, 2019: Haiku by Cat: Art
- May 22, 2019: Haiku by Dog: Two
- May 16, 2019: Haiku by Cat: Understand
- May 7, 2019: Haiku by Dog: Yearning
- May 1, 2019: Haiku by Cat: Prey
- April 23, 2019: Haiku By Dog: Agenda
- April 16, 2019: Haiku by Cat: Intend
- April 8, 2019: Haiku by Dog: Dinnertime
- March 19, 2019: Haiku by Cat: Now
- March 5, 2019: Haiku by Cat: Mistake
- February 26, 2019: Haiku by Dog: Cold
- February 19, 2019: Haiku by Cat: Obstacles
- February 12, 2019: Haiku by Dog: Siren
- February 5, 2019: Haiku by Cat: See
- January 29, 2019: Haiku by Dog: Hipster
- January 22, 2019: Haiku by Dog: Gravity
- January 15, 2019: Haiku by Cat: Different
- January 8, 2019: Haiku by Dog: Simple
- January 1, 2019: Haiku by Cat: Zen
- December 18, 2018: Haiku by Dog: Contribution
- November 28, 2018: Haiku by Cat: Brave
- November 13, 2018: Haiku by Cat: Anticipation
- November 6, 2018: Haiku by Dog: Anticipating
- October 30, 2018: Haiku by Cat: Flexibility
- October 23, 2018: Haiku by Dog: Could
- October 17, 2018: Haiku by Cat: Provide
- October 9, 2018: Haiku by Dog: Ants
- October 4, 2018: Haiku by Cat: Spoiled
- September 26, 2018: Haiku by Dog: Before
- September 11, 2018: Haiku By Cat: Whichever
- September 4, 2018: Haiku by Dog: Seeking
- August 28, 2018: Haiku By Cat: Guru
- August 22, 2018: Haiku by Dog: Nuts
- August 14, 2018: Haiku by Cat: Walk
- August 7, 2018: Haiku by Dog: Lucky
- August 1, 2018: Haiku by Cat: Philosopher
- July 24, 2018: Haiku by Dog: Laughing
- July 17, 2018: Haiku by Cat: Inspector
- July 10, 2018: Haiku By Dog: Bearable
- July 3, 2018: Haiku by Cat: Joke
- June 26, 2018: Haiku By Dog: Whiffs
- June 19, 2018: Haiku By Cat: Asking
- June 12, 2018: Haiku By Dog: Chicken
- May 29, 2018: Haiku by Cat: Tongue
- May 22, 2018: Haiku by Dog: Team
- May 15, 2018: Haiku By Cat: Throne
- May 8, 2018: Haiku By Dog: Lion Share
- May 3, 2018: Haiku By Dog: Reconsider
- April 24, 2018: Haiku By Cat: Right
- April 17, 2018: Haiku By Dog: Hear
- April 10, 2018: Haiku By Cat: Infraction
- April 3, 2018: Haiku by Dog: Paws
- March 19, 2018: Haiku by Dog: Best
- February 19, 2018: Haiku by Cat: Sometimes
- February 13, 2018: Haiku by Dog: Treats
- December 5, 2017: Haiku by Dog: Rake
- November 29, 2017: Haiku by Cat: Amusement
- November 21, 2017: Haiku by Dog: Done
- November 14, 2017: Haiku by Cat: Sink
- November 7, 2017: Haiku by Dog: Chasing
- October 31, 2017: Haiku by Cat: Paint
- October 24, 2017: Haiku by Dog: Perfection
- October 17, 2017: Haiku by Cat: Chipmunk
- October 10, 2017: Haiku by Dog: Welcoming
- September 27, 2017: Haiku by Dog: Refined
- July 18, 2017: Haiku by Dog: Lean
- July 4, 2017: Haiku by Cat: Never
- June 27, 2017: Haiku by Dog: Better
- June 7, 2017: Haiku by Cat: Dance
- June 1, 2017: Haiku by Dog: Comfortable
- May 2, 2017: Haiku by Cat: Neighbors
- April 18, 2017: Haiku by Cat: Evil
- April 4, 2017: Haiku by Cat: Liquids
- March 21, 2017: Haiku by Dog: Problem
- March 7, 2017: Haiku by Cat: Another
- March 1, 2017: Haiku by Dog: Forging
- February 21, 2017: Haiku by Cat: Broccoli
- February 15, 2017: Haiku by Dog: Deep
- February 7, 2017: Haiku by Cat: Sideways
- January 31, 2017: Haiku by Dog: Digging
- January 24, 2017: Haiku by Cat: Chi
- January 17, 2017: Haiku by Dog: Canvas
- January 4, 2017: Haiku by Dog: Gone
- December 30, 2016: Haiku by Cat: Lingering
- December 20, 2016: Haiku by Dog: Room
- December 13, 2016: Haiku by Cat: Bored
- December 6, 2016: Haiku by Cat: Attraction
- December 2, 2016: Haiku by Dog: Molecule
- November 15, 2016: Haiku by Dog: Frustrated
- November 8, 2016: Haiku by Cat: Dog
- November 1, 2016: Haiku by Dog: Back
- October 25, 2016: Haiku by Cat: Could
- October 18, 2016: Haiku by Dog: Cool
- October 11, 2016: Haiku by Cat: Chill
- October 4, 2016: Haiku by Dog: Payback
- September 20, 2016: Haiku by Cat: Ownership
- August 9, 2016: Haiku by Dog: Escape
- August 2, 2016: Haiku by Cat: Framed
- July 26, 2016: Haiku by Dog: Play
- July 19, 2016: Haiku by Cat: Yoga
- July 5, 2016: Haiku by Dog: Duty
- June 14, 2016: Haiku by Cat: Supervisor
- June 7, 2016: Haiku by Dog: Seconds
- May 31, 2016: Haiku by Cat: Kick
- May 24, 2016: Haiku by Dog: Stick
- May 17, 2016: Haiku by Cat: Frustration
- May 3, 2016: Haiku by Dog: Routine
- April 19, 2016: Haiku by Cat: Exist
- April 9, 2016: Haiku by Dog: Message
- March 29, 2016: Haiku by Dog: Court
- March 25, 2016: Haiku by Cat: Cloak
- March 15, 2016: Haiku by Dog: Tongue
- March 9, 2016: Haiku by Cat: Math
- March 4, 2016: Haiku by Dog: Tilt
- February 23, 2016: Haiku by Cat: Fashion
- February 9, 2016: Haiku by Dog: Snowflakes
- February 2, 2016: Haiku by Cat: Ignored
- January 26, 2016: Haiku by Dog: 12 Haiku Written By Dogs, Inspired By Snow
- January 19, 2016: Haiku by Cat: Repose
- January 12, 2016: Haiku by Dog: Fence
- January 5, 2016: Haiku by Cat: Guard
- December 29, 2015: Haiku by Dog: Invitation
- December 8, 2015: Haiku by Cat: Clock
- December 1, 2015: Haiku by Dog: Leaves
- November 24, 2015: Haiku by Cat: Counterintuitive
- November 17, 2015: Haiku by Dog: Mostly
- November 10, 2015: Haiku by Dog: First
- November 3, 2015: Haiku by Cat: Accessories
- October 20, 2015: Haiku by Cat: Drifting
- October 6, 2015: Haiku by Cat: Everything
- September 29, 2015: Haiku by Dog: Eau
- September 22, 2015: Haiku by Cat: Cotton
- September 15, 2015: Haiku by Dog: Neighbors
- August 25, 2015: Haiku by Dog: Summer
- July 28, 2015: Haiku By Cat: Toys
- July 8, 2015: Haiku by Dog: Scent
- June 16, 2015: Haiku by Dog: Ground
- May 26, 2015: Haiku by Cat: Packing
- May 19, 2015: Haiku by Dog: Pillow
- May 8, 2015: Haiku by Cat: Buggy
- April 28, 2015: Haiku by Dog: Worm
- April 21, 2015: Haiku by Cat: Almost
- April 17, 2015: Meet the Haiku by Cat and Haiku by Dog Poets for International Haiku Day
- April 14, 2015: Haiku by Dog: Mail
- April 7, 2015: Haiku by Dog: Satisfaction
- March 24, 2015: Haiku by Dog: Distance
- March 17, 2015: Haiku by Cat: Listening
- March 10, 2015: Haiku by Dog: Stretch
- March 3, 2015: Haiku by Cat: Mine
- February 24, 2015: Haiku by Dog: Not
- February 17, 2015: Haiku by Cat: Power
- February 10, 2015: Haiku by Dog; Changed
- February 3, 2015: Haiku by Cat: Stream
- January 29, 2015: Haiku by Dog: Quest
- January 20, 2015: Haiku by Cat: Game
- January 13, 2015: Haiku by Dog: Kind
- January 6, 2015: Haiku by Cat: River
- January 1, 2015: Haiku by Dog: Treasure
- December 23, 2014: Haiku by Cat: Wrong
- December 16, 2014: Haiku by Dog: Joy
- December 9, 2014: Haiku by Cat: Fit
- December 2, 2014: Haiku by Dog: Volunteer
- November 25, 2014: Haiku by Cat: Refuge
- November 20, 2014: Haiku by Cat: Artwork
- November 18, 2014: Haiku by Dog: Polite
- November 11, 2014: Haiku By Cat: Only
- November 7, 2014: Haiku by Dog: Yoga
- November 4, 2014: Haiku by Cat: Untasted
- October 21, 2014: Haiku by Dog: Imagine
- October 20, 2014: Haiku by Cat: Conjurer
- October 16, 2014: Haiku by Dog: Testament
- October 15, 2014: Haiku by Cat: Treasure
- October 9, 2014: Haiku by Cat: Moth
- October 7, 2014: Haiku by Dog: Dogged
- October 2, 2014: Haiku by Cat: Unscathed
- September 30, 2014: Haiku by Dog: Oasis
- September 18, 2014: Haiku by Cat: Performance
- September 16, 2014: Haiku by Dog: Lost
- September 11, 2014: Haiku by Cat: Box
- September 9, 2014: Haiku by Dog: Scratched
- September 4, 2014: Haiku by Cat: Glass
- August 28, 2014: Haiku by Dog: Trail
- August 21, 2014: Haiku by Cat: Birdwatching
- August 19, 2014: Haiku by Dog: Dreams
- August 16, 2014: Haiku by Cat: Splendor
- August 12, 2014: Haiku by Dog: Promise
- August 7, 2014: Haiku by Cat: Change
- August 5, 2014: Haiku by Dog: Smile
- July 31, 2014: Haiku by Cat: Bookcase
- July 29, 2014: Haiku by Dog: Islands
- July 24, 2014: Haiku by Dog: Taunt
- July 22, 2014: Haiku by Cat: Stretch
- July 17, 2014: Haiku by Cat: Watching
- July 15, 2014: Haiku by Dog: Good
- July 10, 2014: Haiku by Cat: Sun
- July 8, 2014: Haiku by Dog: Resting
- July 3, 2014: Haiku by Cat: Abide
- June 27, 2014: Haiku by Dog: Sometimes
- June 24, 2014: Haiku by Cat: Nonexistent
- June 17, 2014: Haiku by Dog: Destination
- June 13, 2014: Haiku by Cat: Bit
- June 11, 2014: Haiku by Dog: Friends
- May 28, 2014: Haiku by Cat: Desire
- May 27, 2014: Haiku by Dog: Cave
- May 23, 2014: Haiku by Cat: Not
- May 20, 2014: Haiku by Dog: Borders
- May 16, 2014: Haiku by Dog: Accomplishment
- May 13, 2014: Haiku by Cat: Comfort
- May 8, 2014: Haiku by Dog: Return
- May 6, 2014: Haiku by Cat: Advice
- May 2, 2014: Haiku by Cat: Waiting
- April 29, 2014: Haiku by Dog: Grass
- April 24, 2014: Haiku by Dog: Ask
- April 22, 2014: Haiku by Cat: First
- April 18, 2014: Haiku by Cat: Circle
- April 15, 2014: Haiku by Dog: Clean
- April 9, 2014: Haiku by Dog: Comfort
- April 8, 2014: Haiku by Cat: Concerto
- April 3, 2014: Haiku by Cat: Stealth
- April 1, 2014: Haiku by Dog: Window
- March 28, 2014: Haiku by Cat: Grace
- March 25, 2014: Haiku by Dog: Again
- March 19, 2014: Haiku by Dog: Sun
- March 18, 2014: Haiku by Cat: Tiger
- March 13, 2014: Haiku by Dog: Silence
- March 11, 2014: Haiku by Cat: Trap
- March 4, 2014: Haiku by Dog: Outside
- February 26, 2014: Haiku by Dog: How
- February 25, 2014: Haiku by Cat: Lament
- February 20, 2014: Haiku by Cat: Privacy
- February 18, 2014: Haiku by Dog: Pink
- February 12, 2014: Haiku by Dog: Indifference
- February 11, 2014: Haiku by Cat: Unbearable
- February 5, 2014: Haiku by Cat: Nice
- February 4, 2014: Haiku by Dog: Snowman
- January 31, 2014: Haiku by Dog: Indignity
- January 28, 2014: Haiku by Cat: Choices
- January 24, 2014: Haiku by Dog: Snow
- January 22, 2014: Haiku by Cat: Occupation
- January 17, 2014: Haiku by Dog: Refuge
- January 14, 2014: Haiku by Cat: Energy
- January 8, 2014: Haiku by Dog: Discover
- January 7, 2014: Haiku by Cat: Whispers
- December 27, 2013: Haiku by Cat: Dangers
- December 26, 2013: Haiku by Dog: Place
- December 20, 2013: Haiku by Dog: Requests
- December 18, 2013: Haiku by Cat: Seeing
- December 16, 2013: Haiku by Dog: Artist
- December 12, 2013: Haiku by Cat: Skybox
- December 10, 2013: Haiku by Dog: Unreachable
- December 4, 2013: Haiku by cat: Height
- November 25, 2013: Haiku by Dog: Help
- November 20, 2013: Haiku by Cat: Definition
- November 18, 2013: Haiku by Dog: Harbinger
- November 14, 2013: Haiku by Cat: Gift
- November 7, 2013: Haiku by Dog: Faithful
- November 4, 2013: Haiku by Cat: Darkness
- October 31, 2013: Haiku by Cat: Shadow
- October 29, 2013: Haiku by Dog: Mine
- October 24, 2013: Haiku by Cat: Purpose
- October 22, 2013: Haiku by Dog: Inconceivable
- October 16, 2013: Haiku by Cat: Fate
- October 14, 2013: Haiku by Dog: Explain
- October 9, 2013: Haiku by Cat: Secret
- October 2, 2013: Haiku by Dog: Waiting
- September 30, 2013: Haiku by Cat: Question
- September 27, 2013: Haiku by Dog: Safe
- September 23, 2013: Haiku by Cat: Uninvited
- August 31, 2013: Haiku by Dog: Ball
- August 31, 2013: Haiku by Dog: Eternity
- August 23, 2013: Haiku by Dog: Choices
- August 23, 2013: Haiku by Dog: Squirrel
- August 22, 2013: Haiku by Cat: Fullness
- August 22, 2013: Haiku by Cat: Stalking
- August 22, 2013: Haiku by Cat: Warmth
Haiku by Cat
Haiku By Dog
Life & Home
Life with Dogs and Cats
- January 13, 2019: How to introduce kittens to your dog
- May 13, 2018: Happy Mother’s Day to…
- May 4, 2018: Greetings from Dogs and Cats: What it’s like to come home to a houseful of pets
- January 20, 2018: Finding the Warm in the Cold: A winter perspective with dogs and cats
- December 26, 2017: A Piece of Cardboard is the Best Cat / Dog Toy Ever
- October 4, 2017: Dog Versus Cats? #FakeNews
- September 26, 2017: 8 Ways (And a Whole Bunch of Tips) To Make Your Cat Happy, and Keep Your Cat Healthy #HappyCatMonth
- September 1, 2017: A Hurricane Harvey Story: Somerset Regional Animal Shelter is Overflowing with Dogs, Cats & Kindness
- August 22, 2017: Of Fat Cats and Teeth: A National Take Your Cat to the Vet Day Story #Cat2VetDay
- July 11, 2017: Celebrating Mother’s Day and Father’s Day: A Little Late But Lots of Love
- May 4, 2017: Star Wars Day: A good a reason adopt a nonhuman species
- December 15, 2016: Live, Learn & Love: Dog and Cat Friendship
- November 3, 2016: Never Let It Be Said That A Cone Stopped This Dog
- August 15, 2016: Dogs and Cats Make the U.S. Sleep Team for Competitive Sleeping
- May 23, 2016: Friends in High Places: My Cat Finds a New Bestie
- January 25, 2016: Snow Fun: Dogs, Cats & Humans Enjoy the Blizzard of 2016
- December 7, 2015: Celebrating Hanukkah with Dogs and Cats
- November 23, 2015: Fall is the New Black: All Dogs Look Good in Autumn
- October 13, 2015: 5 + 5 Reasons to Adopt a Shelter Pet
- April 1, 2015: April Fool’s Day for Dogs and Cats
- March 25, 2015: What Dogs and Cats Say
- March 9, 2015: The Last Snow of the Season
- December 3, 2014: Haiku by Dog / Haiku by Cat now on Dogster / Catster
- October 27, 2014: Story: Dogs and cats living together
- August 15, 2014: Story: Huge Hydrant for Hounds: Sculpture on Wildwood NJ dog beach
- July 13, 2014: Story: 2014 Petties Pet Blog Award Finalist for Best Overall Pet Blog!
- May 19, 2014: Dogs and Cats: Inside / Outside
- April 11, 2014: Story: Nature abhors a vacuum, and so do my dogs and cats
- February 27, 2014: Story: You never know about cats
- January 10, 2014: 2014 Pet Blogger’s Challenge
- December 18, 2013: Meet the Blogger: Susan
- April 9, 2013: The Carpet Shark Attacks
- November 13, 2012: Sandy’s Aftermath (Part II)
- November 9, 2012: Stormy Weather: Sandy Pays an Unwelcome Visit (Part I)
- April 30, 2012: Imagine That: Dogs and Cats Texting
- November 10, 2011: Snow. Fall.
- June 16, 2011: Places Everyone Part II
- June 8, 2011: Places, Everyone, Part I
- January 2, 2011: Cats and Dogs Living Together
New Jersey Pets
- October 7, 2015: Wings of Summer: Butterflies and Hummingbirds
- September 16, 2015: Strange Bedfellows: Dogs and Cats Sleeping Together
- March 22, 2015: Dog & Cat, Black & White, Sun & Shade
- December 17, 2014: Who will win when a dog and cat play dreidel?
- September 6, 2014: Story: Free Bird
- August 3, 2014: Story: Yes, there are flying squirrels in New Jersey
- July 20, 2014: Photo: You can come out now
- June 15, 2014: Photo: No barriers between friends
- April 16, 2014: Photo: The Look
- February 2, 2014: Photo: Blank Canvas
- December 22, 2013: Photos: It’s black and white
- December 21, 2013: Photo: winter berries
- December 21, 2013: Photo: Bird house in winter
- October 17, 2013: Friends share common interests
- August 22, 2013: Dawn likes everyone when it’s dinner time
- August 22, 2013: Calvin and Tucker, sleepy boys
- August 22, 2013: Calvin and Tucker, hangin’ out.
- October 19, 2011: Hum along with me
- September 28, 2011: It’s Not All Butterflies and Rainbows
- August 24, 2011: Nightlife on the Ridge
- August 5, 2011: Great Spangled Fritillary!
- February 12, 2011: Photos: Flying Squirrels Boris and Natasha
- February 6, 2011: Gliding in the Night: A Visit from Flying Squirrels
The Most Interesting Cat in the World
- January 12, 2021: I Don’t Always Come Into the Bathroom With You #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- November 4, 2020: I Don’t Always Sit Quietly #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- July 10, 2019: I Don’t Always Play With Toys #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- June 26, 2019: I Don’t Always Sit on The Stairs #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- June 19, 2019: I Don’t Always Claim Every Blanket #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- June 12, 2019: I Don’t Always Pose Like This #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- June 6, 2019: I Don’t Always Sit On Your Office Chair #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- May 23, 2019: I Don’t Always Barf On The Cat Tree #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- May 17, 2019: I Don’t Always Stare At You #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- May 8, 2019: I Don’t Always Hide In My Cave #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- May 2, 2019: I Don’t Always Sit On Your Lap During Dinner #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- April 24, 2019: I Don’t Always Hide Under The Bed When You Vacuum #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- April 17, 2019: I Don’t Always Look Out The Window #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- April 10, 2019: I Don’t Always Hide Behind The Door #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- March 20, 2019: I Don’t Always Disagree With You #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- March 13, 2019: I Don’t Always Sleep in the Dog’s Bed #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- March 6, 2019: I Don’t Always Lie on the Laundry #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- February 27, 2019: I Don’t Always Sleep in a Cat Bed #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- February 20, 2019: I Don’t Always Lie on the Stairs #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- February 13, 2019: I Don’t Always Lie on Everything You Set Down #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- February 6, 2019: I Don’t Always Pose For You #MostInterstingCatInTheWorld
- January 30, 2019: I Don’t Always Lie In A Pet Bed #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- January 23, 2019: I Don’t Always Choose to Nap in Pet Beds #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- January 16, 2019: I Don’t Always Lie on the Newspaper #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- January 9, 2019: I Don’t Always Sit In Your Office Chair #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- January 2, 2019: I Don’t Always Play with a Cat Toy #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- December 19, 2018: I Don’t Always Lie in the Middle of the Kitchen Floor #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- December 3, 2018: I Don’t Always Lounge on Ledges #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- November 21, 2018: I Don’t Always Hide in a Box #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- November 14, 2018: I Don’t Always Sleep on a Cat Bed #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- November 7, 2018: I Don’t Always Lie on the Kitchen Table #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- November 1, 2018: I Don’t Always Try on Your Shoes #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- October 24, 2018: I Don’t Always Help When Company Comes #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- October 18, 2018: I Don’t Always Sit on Your Suitcase #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- October 10, 2018: I Don’t Always Sleep on Cat Scratcher #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- September 27, 2018: I Don’t Always Stare at You #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- September 14, 2018: I Don’t Always Lie on Your Towels #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- September 5, 2018: I Don’t Always Lie in the Sun #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- August 29, 2018: I Don’t Always Lie on a Scratcher #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- August 15, 2018: I Don’t Always Help You Pack #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- August 8, 2018: I Don’t Always Lie in the Dog’s Bed #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- August 2, 2018: I Don’t Always Look Deep in Your Eyes #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- July 25, 2018: I Don’t Always Hang Out in the Cat Tree #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- July 18, 2018: I Don’t Always Sit on Boxes #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- July 5, 2018: I Don’t Always Sleep in the Dog’s Bed #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- June 27, 2018: I Don’t Always See Things The Way Everyone Else Does #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- June 20, 2018: I Don’t Always Lie in Your Chair #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- June 13, 2018: I Don’t Always Bother You When You’re Busy #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- May 30, 2018: I Don’t Always Sneak Into Your Closet #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- May 23, 2018: I Don’t Always Look Down On You #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- May 16, 2018: I Don’t Always Go In Your Drawers #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- May 9, 2018: I Don’t Always Judge What You’re Wearing #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- April 27, 2018: I Don’t Always Sit In A Box #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- April 18, 2018: I Don’t Always Sit In Your Lap #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- April 11, 2018: I Don’t Always Help With The Laundry #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- April 4, 2018: I Don’t Always Play in Packing Paper #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- February 21, 2018: I Don’t Always Lie On Your Bed #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- February 14, 2018: I Don’t Always Ask You To Open The Door #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- December 15, 2017: I Don’t Always Swat Everyone Who Walks By #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- November 30, 2017: I Don’t Always Lie On The Stairs #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- November 22, 2017: I Don’t Always Do Impressions #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- November 15, 2017: I Don’t Always Borrow Your Jacket #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- November 8, 2017: I Don’t Always Belong On A Pedestal #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- November 1, 2017: I Don’t Always Play With Cat Toys #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- October 25, 2017: I Don’t Always Help You Pack #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- October 18, 2017: I Don’t Always Hide In The Cat Tree #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- October 11, 2017: I Don’t Always Sleep On The Table #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- September 28, 2017: I Don’t Always Hide Under the Couch When Company Comes #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- July 19, 2017: I Don’t Always Sleep In The Dog’s Bed #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- July 5, 2017: I Don’t Always Look Out The Window #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- June 8, 2017: I Don’t Always Jump In The Laundry Basket #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- June 2, 2017: I Don’t Always Sit On Your Desk #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- April 26, 2017: I Don’t Always Sleep In A Box #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- April 19, 2017: I Don’t Always Lie On Everything You Put Down #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- March 22, 2017: I Don’t Always Sleep On Your Laptop #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- March 10, 2017: I Don’t Always Lie On The Couch #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- March 2, 2017: I Don’t Always Hide Under The Bed When Company Comes #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- February 22, 2017: I Don’t Always Sleep On The Living Room Chair #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- February 16, 2017: I Don’t Always Watch You #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- February 8, 2017: I Don’t Always Sleep On Your Chair #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- February 1, 2017: I Don’t Always Hide #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- January 26, 2017: I Don’t Always Sleep In A Cat Bed #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- January 18, 2017: I Don’t Always Judge Your Outfit #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- January 5, 2017: I Don’t Always Lie on Every Item You Set Down #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- January 1, 2017: I Don’t Always Look This Good #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- December 21, 2016: I Don’t Always Sit At The Table #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- December 14, 2016: I Don’t Always Attack The Printer #MostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- December 7, 2016: I Don’t Always Sleep On Your Bed #TheMostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- February 7, 2016: I Don’t Always Sit In Your Chair #TheMostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- January 24, 2016: I Don’t Always Walk Across Your Keyboard #TheMostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- January 12, 2016: I Don’t Always Come When Called #TheMostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- December 10, 2015: I Don’t Always Lie On Everything You Put On The Floor #TheMostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- December 9, 2015: I Don’t Always Sit In A Box #TheMostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- December 9, 2015: I Don’t Always Lie On Your Laundry #TheMostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- December 8, 2015: I Don’t Always Sleep In A Pet Bed #TheMostInterestingCatInTheWorld
- December 7, 2015: An Interview with Calvin T. Katz, The Most Interesting Cat In The World
The World Around Us
- April 27, 2015: Dog Cave: Finding Safety and Security Under the Desk
- April 17, 2013: Text from cat: Good Friends
- December 3, 2012: Taking Turns
- November 30, 2012:
- November 28, 2012:
- November 26, 2012:
- November 19, 2012:
- November 14, 2012:
- November 12, 2012:
- October 24, 2012:
- October 22, 2012:
- October 17, 2012:
- October 15, 2012:
- October 8, 2012:
- September 28, 2012:
- September 24, 2012:
- September 19, 2012:
- September 12, 2012:
- September 10, 2012:
- September 7, 2012:
- September 5, 2012:
- September 3, 2012:
- August 29, 2012:
- August 27, 2012:
- August 24, 2012:
- August 22, 2012:
- August 17, 2012:
- August 15, 2012:
- August 13, 2012:
- August 8, 2012:
- August 6, 2012:
- August 1, 2012:
- July 30, 2012:
- July 27, 2012:
- July 25, 2012:
- July 18, 2012:
- July 17, 2012: Story: Tucker the Terrier, Temporarily Tethered
- July 16, 2012:
- July 13, 2012:
- July 9, 2012:
- July 6, 2012:
- July 4, 2012:
- July 2, 2012:
- June 29, 2012:
- June 29, 2012: More Flower Power*
- June 25, 2012:
- June 22, 2012:
- June 22, 2012: Flower Power
- June 18, 2012:
- June 15, 2012:
- June 13, 2012:
- June 12, 2012: Tear Down That Wall
- June 6, 2012:
- June 4, 2012:
- June 1, 2012:
- June 1, 2012: Goin’ for a Ride
- May 30, 2012:
- May 25, 2012:
- May 24, 2012: It’s Raining, it’s Pouring
- May 23, 2012:
- May 21, 2012:
- May 18, 2012:
- May 14, 2012:
- May 9, 2012:
- May 9, 2012: All Paws on Deck
- May 8, 2012:
- May 7, 2012:
- May 6, 2012:
- May 5, 2012:
- May 2, 2012:
- April 30, 2012:
- April 29, 2012: Jasper Hears the Car
- April 28, 2012:
- April 25, 2012:
- April 24, 2012:
- April 24, 2012: A Walk on the Wild Side
- April 22, 2012: Dawn’s New Bed
- April 21, 2012:
- April 20, 2012:
- April 20, 2012: Hungry, Hungry Dawn
- April 19, 2012:
- April 19, 2012: High Dawn
- April 18, 2012: Finding Flowers in the Forest
- April 17, 2012:
- April 12, 2012:
- April 12, 2012:
- April 3, 2012: Springing into Action
- March 27, 2012: Tucker, One Year Later
- March 6, 2012: A Bone to Pick
- February 27, 2012: The Lovely Bones
- February 22, 2012: True love
- February 15, 2012: For the Birds
- February 7, 2012: Shadow Play
- February 2, 2012: Plush with Joy
- January 19, 2012: Tug Bouts
- January 11, 2012: Letting the Cat Out of the Bag
- November 14, 2011: Sticks Together
- September 20, 2011: Twinkle: the Devilish Dog of My Childhood
- August 16, 2011: It’s Not A Pack; it’s a Family
- July 29, 2011: Found and Lost
- May 27, 2011: A Gardener’s Tail
- March 29, 2011: Two’s company, three’s a pack
- March 23, 2011: Getting to Know Tucker, Part II: Tucker and His Furry Family
- March 17, 2011: Getting to Know Tucker, Part I: Dog Meets World
- March 1, 2011: Feeding Time at the Zoo
- February 22, 2011: Rosie (2005 – 2009)
- February 2, 2011: Fire and Ice
- January 30, 2011: Athena and her Precious
- January 23, 2011: What the Snow Reveals
- January 17, 2011: Kelsey (1984 – 1997)
- January 16, 2011: Welcome to the Winter Games
- December 19, 2010: Athena
- December 18, 2010: Dawn
- December 5, 2010: Jasper
- December 5, 2010: Lilah
- February 3, 2010: Meet Jasper and Lilah